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Buff Partridge Bantam Bearded Silkie Straight Run Chicks


SeaBreeze Exclusive Partidge Bearded Bantam Silkie Straight Run Chicks

PriceFrom $25.00
Out of Stock
  • These chicks are straight run which means a random mix of boys and girls as hatched.

    We will certainly try to pick females for you unless you ask otherwise. Although we can make a best guess at gender, with straight run chicks/chickens ,there is no guarantee on gender.

    But of course, for any chicks purchased at SeaBreeze, we offer free rooster returns for any roosters that need help finding a new home. It is  disappointing to end up with a rooster or roosters when you need girls, but you can rest assured as you will always have a safe place at SeaBreeze Hens to bring your rooster for rehoming if needed.

    However, straight runs that turn out to be roosters do no qualify for store credit refunds.  

    Inventory numbers are based on the number of chicks that have "pullet potential". If you place an order and all remaining chicks appear to be "cockerel like", I will notify you so we can discuss alternatives.

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