Gold Laced Wyandotte Started Pullets
Gold Laced Wyandottes are a dependable and productive layer with an attractive appearance. This breed is also well mannered and docile, making them an excellent choice for backyard flocks. This variety is a beautiful combination of rich golden bay laced with lustrous greenish black.
Gold Laced Wyandotte Pullets
These chickens qualify for our hen guarantee. If a chicken you purchase as a pullet (not a straight run) turns out to be a rooster, you can get the purchase price back as store credit. You have the option to keep or return the rooster. A rooster return is not required to get your store credit. You also have the option to receive a replacement pullet. You may select a replacement that is the same age or younger from our pullets available for sale. For shipping orders, the customer will pay the shipping costs to receive the replacement hen.