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 Colored Egg Layer Pullets   2 to 3 weeks of age


Brighten up your eggs basket with these pullets to get blue eggs, chocolate eggs, cream eggs, and olive eggs.


Egg Color Guide:

Ameraucana/EE - Blue or Green eggs

Cuckoo Olive Egger - Olive eggs

Sapphire Olive Egger - Olive eggs

Patridge Olive Egger - Olive eggs

Black Olive Egger - Olive Eggs

Blue Olive Egger - Olive Eggs

Splash Olive Egger - Olive Eggs

Prairie Blue Bell Egger - Blue eggs

Starlight Green Egger - Brighter Green eggs

Cream Legbar - Blue eggs

French Black Copper Marans- Darkest Brown eggs

Golden Cuckoo Maran - Dark Brown Eggs

Splash Maran - Dark Brown Eggs

Lavendar Maran - Dark Brown Eggs

French Wheaton Marans - Dark Brown Eggs

Black Copper Marans - Dark Brown eggs

Blue Copper Marans - Dark Brown eggs

Cuckoo Marans - Dark Brown eggs

Blue Cuckoo Maran - Dark Brow eggs

Crele Penedensenca - Dark Bown eggs

Welsummer - Dark Brown Speckled eggs

Salmon Favorelles - Cream/pink eggs

Blue Breasted Brown Leghorn - White

AustraWhite- Cream

Three Week Colored Egg Layer Pullet Chicks

PriceFrom $20.00
Out of Stock
  • These chicks have been identified as pullets (95% accuracy) and qualify for hen guarantee.  

    If a chicken you purchase as a pullet (not a straight run) turns out to be a rooster, you will receive double the purchase price back as store credit. 

    You have the option to keep or return the rooster. A rooster return is not required to get your store credit. 

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