California Grey Started Pullets
California Greys were developed in the state of California from White Leghorns and Barred Plymouth Rocks. This cross yielded a bird with favorable characteristics, including small body size and excellent white egg production from the White Leghorn, and the barred plumage from the Barred Plymouth Rock. California Greys are active, alert, and good foragers that double as an excellent egg producing bird.
California Grey Pullets
These chickens qualify for our hen guarantee. If a chicken you purchase as a pullet (not a straight run) turns out to be a rooster, you can get the purchase price back as store credit. You have the option to keep or return the rooster. A rooster return is not required to get your store credit. You also have the option to receive a replacement pullet. You may select a replacement that is the same age or younger from our pullets available for sale. For shipping orders, the customer will pay the shipping costs to receive the replacement hen.