Delivery Schedule
SeaBreeze Hens Chicken Delivery is scheduled for twice a month with occasional additional deliveries.
We will deliver baby chicks and older pullets/chickens as well as supplies. Feed and wood shavings can be delivered on a space available basis.
Next Houston Area Delivery Day:
Sunday November 24
Please be on time for pick-up as the driver will have a tight schedule to keep.
Delivery Fee
Delivery fee is $25 per order to the delivery stops.
Home delivery is available for an additional fee (min $50).
Houston Delivery Day Stops and Times
Pearland (Beltway 8/Pearland PWY) - 9:30am
Sugarland (99 and 59) - 10:15am
Katy (99 and I-10) - 11:00am
Cypress (99 and 290) - 11:45am
Spring (99 and 45) - 12:30pm
East Houston (Beltway 8 and 90) - 1:15pm
Lufkin Delivery Stop and Times
Lufkin (Home Depot 4211 S Medford Drive) -normally 8:30 am on occasional Monday mornings
Other delivery stops along 59 can be arranged.
To Place Your Delivery Order:
Order your chickens on our Seabreeze Hens Online Store. Choose SeaBreeze Hens Pickup or Houston Area Delivery on the drop down menu in the shipping option. Then go to "Reserve Time" and choose "Houston Area Delivery Service" and book your delivery.
Upcoming Houston Area Delivery Days:
Sunday December 8
Sunday December 22
Sunday January 5
Sunday January 19